Ziad K Abdelnour, President & CEO Blackhawk Partners, Inc. At the Harvard Club, NYC

Ziad K Abdelnour is the author of “Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics” and a regular panelist and speaker on private equity and venture capital topics at industry conferences nationwide.

Mr. Ziad K Abdelnour also serves on the Advisory board of DPG Investments, a recognized premier multi strategy global merchant banking, alternative investment, management and advisory firm.

Page by page, Economic Warfare:

  • Strips away the veneer to reveal the true agenda behind our expanding central government
  • Describes the damage that has been inflicted upon the American economy in the last few years, making the case for the indisputable charge that we are involved in an economic war for survival.

Continue reading: Wealth Creation


Ziad K Abdelnour: