Author Archives: Ziad K Abdelnour
“Capital goes where it’s welcomed….”Economic warfare book: Ziad K Abdelnour
The money, property, and other valuables which absolutely represent the wealth of an individual or business is called Capital.
New insights for investors and business people looking to create wealth in the turbulent post-crisis world In a no holds barred expose of the 2008 financial meltdown from the inside, Ziad K. Abdelnour argues that the political and financial elites have done nothing to fix the structural problems and instead have worsened the situation. By creating more market bubbles, they are actually waging a war on the most productive members of society.
For investors, business people, and entrepreneurs that need to navigate the troubled geopolitical waters of the post-crisis world, Abdelnour offers several solutions, including looking at the world anew and understanding that the federal government’s primary objective is to promote the creation of an environment conducive to the creation of wealth not job creation, not bailouts, not subsidies, not expansion of the federal bureaucracy, and not providing lifetime support to those who choose not to take advantage of the innumerable opportunities that exist in this nation for them to create a better, more productive life for themselves.
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Game Of Finance
Have we learned anything from the Financial Crisis?
I would say nothing at all…. In fact, instead of changing their behavior to prevent another crisis regarding finance, the Powers-that-be seem to be doubling down on the strategies that Caused the Financial Crisis in the First Place
Liberals blame deregulation and reckless Wall Street greed for the economic crisis. Conservatives blame bad government policy.
What are they doing? Well here again…. they are:
1. Pushing banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit (sound familiar?)
2. Deregulating and even promoting insane levels of derivatives (ring a bell?)
3. Following policies which lead to rampant inequality (that didn’t work out so well last time)
4. Letting white collar criminals know that they have free rein to do whatever they want, and they won’t be prosecuted (once again)
5. Letting the giant banks get bigger and bigger (the government helped them get big in the first place)
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Renewable Energy
The mission of the Financial Policy Council Inc. (“FPC”) is to formulate and promote sound public policy based on the principles of free enterprise and wealth creation as envisioned by the ideals of the American Founding Fathers. FPC is a public policy-oriented organization which seeks to educate and inform the public about economic and fiscal matters.
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Private Regulation as an Alternative to Government Regulation.
The mission of the Financial Policy Council Inc. (FPC), a research think tank and educational institution, is to formulate and promote sound public policy based on the principles of free enterprise and wealth creation as envisioned by the ideals of the American Founding Fathers.
Our goal is to ensure that America, the land of opportunity where freedom and prosperity have flourished, is not derailed by poorly formulated and reactive economic, fiscal and tax policy. In addition, our goal is to retain and reclaim America’s leading role in the global economic community.
Defense Industry Develop Creative Strategies And Business Models
Though the defense industry has to sooner than later develop creative strategies and business models or risk catastrophic failure, we at Blackhawk Partners believe that despite a challenging environment, strong fundamentals in the defense and most importantly cyber security industry and unmanned aviation continue to offer some highly attractive investment opportunities.
We believe the industry’s fate largely depends on Pentagon’s decisions on how it will modernize U.S. forces to confront future threats. In its Cold War heyday, the Pentagon was the leading developer of cutting-edge technology and still commands the world’s most advanced military force. But at the same time, it has created self-defeating mechanisms that quash innovation and fail to capitalize on available opportunities. The United States is still way ahead of competitors in areas such as fighter aircraft and submarines. But there are segments of the weapons market such as ballistic missiles and cruise missiles where other people are doing quite well compared to us.
Continue Reading: On the Challenges and Opportunities We See in the Defense Industry
Failures Lead to Wisdom
Voice of America Interview with Ziad K Abdelnour
1) “Is the American Political System the latest Bubble?”
The best way to look at this, I think, is that there’s a spectrum of default severities. At one end, you have the outright repudiation of sovereign debt, a la Ecuador in 2008; at the other end, you have the sequester, which involves telling a large number of government employees that the resources which were promised them will not, in fact, arrive.
Right now, we’ve already reached the point at which the government has broken very important promises indeed: We promised to pay hundreds of thousands of government employees a certain amount on certain dates, in return for their honest work. We have broken that promise. By Treasury’s own definition, it’s reasonable to say that we have already defaulted: surely, by any sensible conception, the salaries of government employees constitute “legal obligations of the US”
2) Making the Capital Markets Smarter – Some Food For Thought
A very simple measure of this is simply the high degree of localization of investment. Ghemawat in World 3.0 tracks liquidity and global flow of venture capital and estimates that the lion’s share of investment happens within 20 miles or so of the investor. This happens because the investors mitigate the risks of their own limited knowledge by only investing in companies that set up shop locally, down the street. To get the money, entrepreneurs flood to the location of the money rather than the location of the markets/problems to be solved.
Can Our Tax Code be Transformed from a Tool for Redistribution, to an Engine for Economic Growth? – By Scott A. Hodge – Financial Policy Council
Bob Pritchard’s Interview with Ziad K Abdelnour, President & CEO Blackhawk Partners, Inc.