Does capitalism focus need to be changed – from short-term stock prices, valuing profits over people, and costs deferred to future generations – to some more alluring system if this system exists.
I personally believe that anything we will do to reign on Capitalism will stifle the wonders that it produces. I also believe that the so-called “problems of capitalism” are not from capitalism itself, but from attempts to “improve” on the free market in an attempt to better some particular interest group by redistribution from some other lesser interest group, at the point of a gun. Capitalism is simplicity itself, and any complication makes it worse. The philosophy is very simple: individuals trade with one another only when it is mutually beneficial, and their interaction does not harm the person or property of any third party.
As long as political parties control the legislative and executive branches of our government, and through them the judicial branch, it will not be possible to change our pseudo-capitalistic system.
In the United States, where political parties sell legislation to vested interests and maintain ‘party whips’ to ensure that party-controlled representatives enact the legislation they’ve sold, gigantic corporations control the economic system and manipulate it to their own advantage. I believe that is the root cause of the failure of capitalism.
Read More: Capitalism